Welcome to Greenside School Stevenage. A school for children aged 2-19 with special educational needs and disabilities.





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My Story

Greenside Whole School Curriculum



Greenside provides a highly personalised curriculum with the learner at the centre. We focus on developing our learners’ skills and understanding based on 4 key areas called the 4 "Mys": my communication, my thinking, my wellbeing, and my body.




Progression of our learners and their achievement is at the centre of life at Greenside. The majority of our learners have very complex needs and sometimes their achievement does not track in a traditional way, often lateral progress is needed to support our learners reach their potential.

Outcomes are central to each of our learners and as a school we strive to ensure these are set with long-term aims and goals in mind. Preparing for Adulthood principles and opportunities post-Greenside are always in mind, from Early years through to our Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) provision.

To help us ensure all learners achieve outstanding progress at Greenside we have a unique assessment approach that is personalised and individual. In some respects, it is impossible to compare any learner’s outcomes, progress and evidence. But to help us to plan for greater Teaching and Learning we do analyse data as a whole. 
As Greenside caters for a wide chronological age range as well as a many different needs, specific assessment tools are used to enable class team’s monitor, record, share and celebrate progress and achievement. These are:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) assessment frame work – for learners in our nursery and reception classes.
  • Routes for Learning – for young people who have profound learning difficulties
  • Autism Education Trust (AET) – for some of our autistic learners
  • PIVATS – An assessment tool developed by Lancashire County Council, used to assess learners in aspects of Reading, Writing, Maths as well as Personal and Social Development.

Creative Arts

Greenside has a well established creative program which offers students from across the school access to a range of creative activities. We employ a team of dedicated creative professionals working in art, drama, music and dance.

Greenside's creative programme centres around the talents, imaginations, desires and needs of each learner. Over many years of reflective and dynamic practice and sustained working relationships with experienced professional artists, musicians, dancers and theatre makers, a  consistent approach has been developed in which the learner is placed at the centre of the creative interaction. 


Click here for more information about our arts program.

Preparing For Adulthood

At Greenside we plan for our learner’s future throughout their time at school. Our ‘My’ curriculum has ‘preparing for adulthood’ principles embedded into each phase of our school and there is a destination focus for each of the main transition points many of our learners go through while they are with us. Click here for details about how we prepare learners for their next steps beyond Greenside.

Click here for more information


Two education providers working together to enable further education opportunities for young adults who have profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).

2Learn is a partnership between Greenside School and North Hertfordshire College (NHC).

A former bank at The Hyde shopping centre, Stevenage has been transformed into a specialist learning resource in the heart of the community. The facility features a multi-sensory room, café dining area, accessible kitchen, drama studio, IT suite, excise space and changing place.

Staff from Greenside and NHC work together to deliver a highly personalised, creative, person-centred curriculum.

Each student enrols at NHC. They are based at the 2Learn resource. As part of their individual timetable, each student undertakes learning activities at the college as well as the Greenside Studio (a social enterprise located a few metres from 2Learn). Students also access the warm water swimming pool at Greenside School. An accessible vehicle enables access to NHC and the wider community. 


2Learn Curriculum

2Learn Prospectus


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Greenside School
Shephall Green
Stevenage SG2 9XS
Tel: 01438 315356
Email: admin@greenside.herts.sch.uk
Headteacher: Alex Tomkins