Welcome to Greenside School Stevenage. A school for children aged 2-19 with special educational needs and disabilities.


Creative Arts

Greenside has a well-established creative program which offers students from across the school access to a range of creative activities. We employ a team of dedicated creative professionals working in art, drama, music and dance.

Greenside's creative programme centres around the talents, imaginations, desires and needs of each learner. Our approach involves the creation of open, interactive spaces where pupils can explore their own creative ideas and responses in a highly responsive and sensitive atmosphere. Creative interactions are encouraged through movements, materials, instruments, sounds, and stories, allowing learners to Initiate creative dialogues with peers and adults, and develop key creative skills such as curiosity, persistence, imagination and resilience, which contribute to their developmental learning and their emotional well-being in a collaborative and supportive social setting. 


 Radio Zoinks is a radio station created by and with students from across the school who have taken part in music sessions, one-to-one discussion and storytelling sessions and created their own DJ set. It is a project aimed at encouraging pupil voice and finding new ways for our young people to express themselves, their ideas and their creativity.

You can listen to all the Radio Zoinks programmes or choose between different shows.

We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did making it.


Dance and Movement

Our dance specialist Nicky works every week with learners from across the school to create high quality inclusive movement sessions in which learmers are encouraged to take part in an open and supportive environment.

Therapeutic Dance

Click here for more information about our dance specialist Nicky's approach to supported movement with examples to try at home!



Our music and creative interaction specialists work with learners across the school to develop their own music through free improvisation, song writing, creative interaction, and IT. They have explored composition, vocal techniques, special guitar tunings, midi-triggers, piano and percussion. The year ended with a day of performances and workshops,


I had a Little Nut tree - Charlie taking part in a music session with Jon via video call.


Elm Class taking part in music workshops with Jon over video call.


It's Gonna Rain! A digital collaboration between the wonderful Harry and Jon our music specialist.





Weekly art sessions are run for learners across the school encouraging exploration, experimentation with materials and different approaches, and using drawing, panting, sculpture, movement andphotography to create exciting creative experiences.

Workshops at tate Modern

Over the past twoc years we have been involved in a project with Tate Modern and Kingston School of Art called 'Don't We All Play the Same? ' which aims to bring together groups of young people from Greenside with art students from Kingston to find new ways of exploring, interacting and inhabiting the gallery. The idea is to involve our young people in activities which allow them to engage with the gallery and the art works within it. It's not just about looking, but about physically and imaginatively explorign the space together.


Making noise in the Turbine Hall from Greenside School on Vimeo.


Follow us on:

Greenside School
Shephall Green
Stevenage SG2 9XS
Tel: 01438 315356
Email: admin@greenside.herts.sch.uk
Headteacher: Alex Tomkins